some people confuse 'depth' with shit that speaks
so stupidly a three year old could understand.
don't feel you have to speak stupidly,
cause some people just don't get it,
and they never will. they'll be 'bored'
cause their minds refuse to look
past certain things.
like thinking outside this computer screen
or what the media tells us we should think.
if you wanna make a movie about chi,
make it.
(this is in response to some of the other responses)
now the movie, it was beautiful, most of it
but for some of it i think you
got caught up in the technology,
as opposed to the essense of what you were trying to say, (the chi)
but i think you're
moving in thr right direction and when you
succeed you wont be able to tell which program
you used. cause it will all make sense
hope this all made sense
thats all.